Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Shoes

I know what you're thinking... It has been a while since I have posted, or even taken the opportunity to browse through any of your wonderful blogs. Not like me, huh?? I have to be honest- As much as I don't like to admit it, the last couple of months have been a bit of an emotional struggle for me. We all have our times, our stresses, feelings of being overwhelmed or worried, maybe even just flat out bored. I usually manage to get through those times with a smile (at least when I'm around people) and eventually whatever is troubling me or weighing me down just works itself out. Please-I don't mean to imply that I can wish on a star or wiggle my nose and POOF all my troubles are gone. Simply that I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful family and friends that help me through those things (even if they don't realize they are doing it). So what's been different?? I'm actually not sure. I still have all of you to turn to. I can still fake it most of the time when I'm in the presence of civilized folk...Maybe it's just one of those "when it rains it pours" kinds of times in my life. Too much at once. So here's why I chose today to be back..Right now you are listening to a song that I have loved for a long time. It's always been a favorite and there was a time when this CD was really all I was listening to. I hadn't heard it for a while until this morning. I was up early and feeling quite sad thinking of my close friend whom I recently lost. She took me to see Wicked a few years back for my birthday and we had a great time and both instantly loved the show and the music from it. One song from it hit pretty close to home for us and it even kinda summed up the many years that we were friends. When I moved from Cinci, she added it to a slideshow for my goodbye party. She cried her eyes out and held my hand through the whole thing (those of you who knew her wouldn't bat an eye at her flaire for the dramatic). I stumbled upon that same song this morning on a You Tube video and listened to it and really took it hard. But hey...the oddest thing happened. The video stopped and switched to a commercial playing this very song that you are now hearing. I got annoyed at first, but then listened. "Hey, I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything's right..." This whole song really handed me my solution. I need to put on those new shoes and get past this. All of this. Thank you Paulo Nutini for giving me some perspective and that slight kick in the pants that I needed.
Here comes summer, let's all find some new shoes and start fresh! I'm starting today! Scroll down and play the song again, listen closely, and find your new shoes (even if you can't afford the manolos at the top of the page!!) Love you all!!


jag said...

Okay, SO can't afford those BEAUTIFUL kicks, but I get the point. Good advice - AS ALWAYS! You know, girl, you're like new shoes. You always brighten my day and make me feel like it's gonna be okay. Hope you find that feeling too. Love ya lots hon!

I'm so very sorry you lost such a special friend. I'm certain she would agree that it's time for some sunshine. I mean your blog is titled "Sunny Daze!" Thinking of you.

Pres-tone said...

Aww Belinda, greenish-brown female sheep

Unknown said...

You go Girl!!! Put on those big girl shoes and show them how it's done!!

We love you and we are here for you, like you are for us.

P.s. You are MY biggest loser!!!


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Excellent advice. Don't forget to kick them off every now and then and go barefoot.