Saturday, June 6, 2009

Where My Girls At??

For years I have referred to our darling Izzy as "THE DIVA". Those who have met her and heard my stories about the hair, lipgloss, and insistance on wearing just the right skirt, along with her uncanny knack for throwing just the right "Veruca Salt" style fit know why I have contemplated changing her name to Whitney-Mariah-Aretha Marie Atkins for years...
Well, our precious youngest has made the journey through pre-school and will soon break my heart in two as she enters the world of the elementary. During her last year at Curlew Learning Center she has become increasingly more like the 14 year old that I know I'm destined to grapple with...tiffs with girlfriends, an eye roll that could make Mommy Dearest shudder, and of course the well-crafted and often rehearsed door slam/foot stomp combo (not easy to pull off with grace).
However she has also grown into her own little person who loves to sing and dance, play dress-up (diva style), go to parties, and pretend talk to friends on the phone. Kevin had the pleasure of attending her end of year farewell party at her school and took some great shots of Iz with her friends. I had to post them, well because you can just see the teen, can't you? These could easily come from the future high school year book pages that I'm sure will be filled with the signatures of the coolest and most popular. Trust me...I don't think our DIVA will have it any other way!!

Thank you Ms. Kathy and Ms. Laura!! We love you!!!