Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sleepover Fun!

Savannah and Myara had a sleepover with Nate and Izzy last night and it turned out to be just a blast! Since I was out with Bachelorette Festivities, that left Kevin large and in charge with the 4 kids. The result...LOADS of fun! They made muffins, played Go Fish and Twister, watched a couple of movies, and spent lots of time playing the Wii. When we woke up this morning we did some dance moves and began the clean up process (Mom's home-LAME). Here are some pics and a great video of Savannah getting into the Wii...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What a Fantastic Day!!

We spent a wonderful day today kayaking in Tampa Bay. We were all excited for the trip, but our expectations were far exceeded! The weather was beautiful, although VERY hot...and not a spot of shade to be found-but it was worth it. As we paddled, the warm salt water would splash on our legs to cool us off. The scenery was amazing and we were so lucky to see lots of birds, stingrays, some iguanas, and were even joined by about 5 dolphins that swam all around our boats. The kids did a great job and loved it when we took the opportunity in some shallow water to get out and cool off. It was a special day filled with the beauty of Florida and some time well spent together. A definite special memory was made!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cat's in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon....

We woke up this morning with quite a surprise! Izzy excitedly let us know that she was going to lose a tooth...yup it was certainly wiggly! It was her first loose tooth so we made a big out of how big she was getting and told her that in a few days we would certainly get a visit from the tooth fairy. Well those "few days" did not account for the big brother who would proceed to pull the tooth for her within the hour...geesh! Maybe he'll be a dentist. Oh well, she's thrilled and I can't help but feel the beginning of the end :(. My babies have grown just way too quickly.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This one's for you mom...

As you all well know, we spend a lot of time at the beach....a LOT of time at the beach. We go most Sundays to Honeymoon Island well equipped with a huge tent, a multitude of chairs, sunscreen (like it matters), towels, and a plethera of toys and materials to make it a great day. Oh, and how could I forget??? We also have to have either Subway or a "mess a chicken", depending on the week.
We never intend to get sunburned and swear that we'll do better next time-higher SPF, more frequent applications...nonsense. We always leave with a burn. Could it be because we end up staying for about 6 hours in the midday Florida sun??? HMMM...
Why do we stay so long you ask??? I can generally answer that in one word...MOM. My mother LOVES the water. When I say loves the water I don't mean loves to hear the waves crashing into the shore or look at the light as it reflects on the azure sea. I mean full-on jumping in waves, splashing people, laughing and screaming, hoping to find creatures under her feet in the water. We can't get her out! She brings a chair every week, I have yet to see her sit in it. If she steps out of the water for anything, within moments you will hear, "Ya going in??". And she's off again, this time trying to drag you with her. It is truly a hoot. She was born in Massachusettes and swears she will never leave the ocean again. I believed her, but didn't think she was so literal...By the time we are managing to drag her away she is asking, "so what's the plan for next week?" Which usually means are we bringing Subway or a messa chicken. We love you mom! This video is for you......
***Turn off the music at the bottom before you hit play!!***