Monday, July 13, 2009

Cat's in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon....

We woke up this morning with quite a surprise! Izzy excitedly let us know that she was going to lose a tooth...yup it was certainly wiggly! It was her first loose tooth so we made a big out of how big she was getting and told her that in a few days we would certainly get a visit from the tooth fairy. Well those "few days" did not account for the big brother who would proceed to pull the tooth for her within the hour...geesh! Maybe he'll be a dentist. Oh well, she's thrilled and I can't help but feel the beginning of the end :(. My babies have grown just way too quickly.


Niki said...

They grow up sooo fast!!
First wiggly tooth and it came out he SAME day?!? Nate SHOULD be a dentist!! And, well, Izzy, Must be very BRAVE! I remember when someone (I won't mention his name) use to let the tooth get soooo loose that it was just hanging on be a thread!
Now I can't wait to hear what the tooth fairy leaves... (you know with inflation and all... ) And listening to Izzy... bring on the money!!! She's tooo cute!!

Pres-tone said...

Well, between you and Marcie, I am seeing how not cool I am as a parent. When Gabriel lost his first tooth I took a picture...Aleks lost the tooth after he stole it from under the pillow...we didn't say anything about how big he is getting...can you start giving me a heads up? What are you doing for the 1st day of KG?